Home Static Proxies 8+ China proxies Providers

8+ China proxies Providers

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Pandada Article published on 2023-09-08

China is one of the largest internet markets in the world, with a vast user base and rich network resources. This provides a broad application space for static proxies. However, China's internet also has strict regulations and censorship, which restricts network access. Therefore, when using static proxies, it's essential to consider the impact of China internet policies on proxy server.

China, located at the center of the Asian continent, has developed communication infrastructure and extensive network bandwidth. This means that using static proxies in China can offer better speed and stability, especially for accessing resources within mainland China.

What are the uses of China proxies?

If you are a developer or tester, you may need to simulate China user access during development and testing phases. By using China proxies, you can simulate the network environment and geographic location of China users, better identifying and fixing issues related to China users.

Many software, applications, and websites in China might use China proxies. Here are some common examples:

1.WeChat (微信): As one of the most popular social media applications in China, WeChat typically requires China proxies to access and use properly.

2. Baidu (百度): As the largest search engine in China, some features and content on Baidu may be restricted for non-China IPs. Using China proxies can bypass these restrictions and access complete search results.

3. NetEase Cloud Music (网易云音乐): A popular music streaming app in China. If you are abroad and want to access NetEase Cloud Music, you might need to use China proxies to unlock geographical restrictions.

4. Taobao and JD.com (淘宝和京东): As major e-commerce platforms in China, some products and services may be available only to China users. Using China proxies can help overseas users access and purchase these items.

5. KuGou Music and KuWo (酷狗音乐和酷我): These music streaming apps are very popular in China but may restrict access to non-China IPs. By using China proxies, you can bypass these restrictions and enjoy the music content.

6. iQIYI (爱奇艺): One of the largest online video platforms in China, offering a wide range of movies, TV series, and variety shows. Accessing iQIYI may sometimes require China proxies.

7. Sina Weibo (新浪微博): The most popular microblogging platform in China. Accessing and using Sina Weibo may require China proxies at times.

8. Alipay (支付宝): China's leading mobile payment platform, widely used within China. If you need to use Alipay abroad, you may need China proxies to access and operate your Alipay account.

9. Youku (优酷): One of China's largest video-sharing sites, offering a vast collection of movies, TV shows, and variety programs. Accessing Youku may sometimes require China proxies.

10. Fliggy (飞猪): Alibaba Group's online travel platform, primarily serving China users with travel booking services. If you are overseas and wish to use Fliggy for travel bookings, you might need to use China proxies to access and use the platform.

These examples provide more references. Remember, the need for China proxies depends on operational strategies and geographical restrictions, so determine based on the actual situation.

Merchant product Price Reviews
Proxy-seller IPv4 Proxy $ 1.07/month
Proxyline Shared IPv4 Proxies $ 0.99/proxy/month
Proxysale IPv4 Proxies $ 2.14/proxy/month
360proxy Static Residential Proxy Server $ 4.50/proxy/month
LunaProxy Rotating Residential Proxies $ 0.70/GB
Youproxy IPv4 Proxy $ 1.30/proxy/month
PIA Proxy Hot Plan Proxy Servers $ 0.24/proxy/day
922 S5 Proxy Rotating ISP Proxy $ 0.04/IP minimum
proxy6.net Dedicated IPv4 Proxy $ 1.77/proxy/month
IP2World Static Residential Proxies $ 4.80/proxy/month

8+ China proxies Providers(10+)

Reviews:5.00 / 5
$ 1.07/month

IPv4 Proxy

Credit card
Reviews:4.95 / 5
$ 0.99/proxy/month

Shared IPv4 Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.68 / 5
$ 2.14/proxy/month

IPv4 Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.68 / 5
$ 4.50/proxy/month

Static Residential Proxy Server

Credit card
Reviews:4.65 / 5
$ 0.70/GB

Rotating Residential Proxies

WeChat Pay
Credit card
Reviews:4.40 / 5
$ 1.30/proxy/month

IPv4 Proxy

Credit card
Reviews:4.30 / 5
PIA Proxy
$ 0.24/proxy/day

Hot Plan Proxy Servers

Credit card
Reviews:4.25 / 5
922 S5 Proxy
$ 0.04/IP minimum

Rotating ISP Proxy

WeChat Pay
Credit card
Reviews:4.10 / 5
$ 1.77/proxy/month

Dedicated IPv4 Proxy

Credit card
Reviews:4.00 / 5
$ 4.80/proxy/month

Static Residential Proxies

Credit card

Is residential internet expensive in China?

The cost of residential internet in China varies by region and service provider. Generally, the price is relatively reasonable. In most cities, people can choose different network service providers and select various packages based on their needs. Common residential internet packages include broadband (ADSL, fiber, etc.) and mobile network packages.

In city centers, more network service providers are usually available, and prices may be slightly higher. In some remote areas, network services might be relatively more expensive due to higher infrastructure construction costs.

The price also depends on network speed and bandwidth. Higher speed and bandwidth typically mean higher prices.

Overall, the cost of residential internet in China is relatively reasonable, and people can choose the network package that suits their needs and budget.

Who are the well-known telecom operators in China?

China has three major well-known telecom operators:

China Telecom (中国电信): The largest fixed-line operator in China, also providing broadband and mobile communication services. China Telecom offers nationwide broadband access and has extensive 4G and 5G mobile network coverage.

China Mobile (中国移动): The largest mobile communication operator in China and the largest globally. China Mobile provides mobile communication services, including voice, data, and SMS, with extensive 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile network coverage.

China Unicom (中国联通): The third largest mobile communication operator in China, also providing fixed-line, broadband, and mobile communication services. China Unicom offers 2G, 3G, and 4G network coverage and is gradually rolling out 5G.

These three operators have a broad user base and coverage in China, offering various packages and service options to meet different user needs.

What are the advantages of China proxies?

China proxies have the following advantages:

Access restriction removal: China proxies help users bypass geographical restrictions and access blocked or restricted websites, applications, and services. For example, using foreign proxies, China users can access blocked foreign social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Speed up access: China proxies can provide faster access speeds, especially when users need to access content located in the proxy server's region. Connecting to a nearby proxy server can reduce data transmission distance, speeding up response times and download speeds.

Privacy protection: Using China proxies can enhance online privacy and security. Proxy servers act as intermediaries, hiding users' real IP addresses and locations, making it harder to track them. This is helpful for protecting personal privacy and preventing tracking ads.

Ensure access stability: Sometimes, certain websites or applications may be unstable or disrupted in China's network environment. Using China proxies can bypass these issues and provide a more stable connection, allowing seamless access to these sites and applications.

However, using China proxies also has limitations and considerations. proxy server in China may be subject to regulation and censorship, so choose reliable service providers and comply with local laws. The load and bandwidth of proxy servers may also affect access speed and stability, so choosing high-quality proxy server is crucial.

Is using proxies legal in China?

Using proxies in China is a complex issue. According to China law, using proxies to access blocked websites is illegal. However, in some cases, using proxies is legal, such as for personal privacy protection, security testing, or research purposes.

Note that bypassing the firewall or engaging in illegal activities with proxies is strictly prohibited and may violate the law. If you plan to use proxies in China, comply with relevant laws and regulations, ensuring your use is legal and reasonable.

Due to changing internet regulatory policies, China's restrictions on proxies may vary. Therefore, understand and comply with local laws before using proxies and choose legal and reputable service providers. If unsure about your specific usage, consult professional legal institutions or relevant departments for accurate guidance.

8+ China proxies Providers FAQ

You can purchase Chinese proxies from professional proxy service providers or companies. These organizations typically offer stable, fast, and secure proxies.

While there are some free proxies available, they are often unstable and may be misused for unlawful activities. Therefore, it is recommended to opt for reliable paid proxy services to ensure quality and security.

You can use third-party Python libraries, such as Requests, to send HTTP requests and implement web scraping by specifying proxies. You need to pass the proxy information to the respective request parameters.

There are several methods to prevent your proxies from being blocked by websites, one common strategy is to use rotating proxies. You can obtain multiple proxies and randomly select one for each request. Additionally, employing anti-scraping techniques, such as setting request headers or simulating browser behavior, can decrease the likelihood of being blocked.
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