Home Datacenter Proxies The 18 Best US Proxy Server Providers of 2024

The 18 Best US Proxy Server Providers of 2024

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Pandada Article published on 2023-09-11

Many businesses and individuals rely on a reliable Proxy Server to access the internet and protect their online identities. Datacenter Proxy Servers are a popular choice because they offer multiple advantages for users. This article will introduce the concept of Datacenter Proxy Servers, explore their advantages, review several US Datacenter Proxy Server providers, and answer some common questions about the most affordable Datacenter Proxy Servers.

Which US Proxy Servers are the best?

First, we need to consider the stability and speed of the Proxy Server. A good Proxy Server provider should offer stable and high-speed access services. Through testing, we found that IPRoyal Proxy Servers excel in this area. Their servers are located in major US cities, boasting strong bandwidth and stable connections, ensuring users can quickly and smoothly access target websites.

Second, privacy and security are also important factors to consider when using a Proxy Server. A good Proxy Server provider should protect users' privacy and provide encrypted transmission channels to prevent sensitive information from being stolen. Webshare Proxy Servers perform exceptionally well in this regard. They use the latest encryption technologies to ensure user access security and strictly adhere to privacy policies, ensuring no personal information is disclosed.

Furthermore, price is also a factor to consider when choosing a Proxy Server provider. A good Proxy Server should have reasonable prices and flexible package options. Proxysale Proxy Servers do well in this area. They offer a variety of package options that can be customized according to user needs, and their prices are relatively affordable, making them very suitable for individual users and small businesses.

Through our evaluation, IPRoyal Proxy Servers excel in stability and speed, Webshare Proxy Servers perform exceptionally in privacy and security, and Proxysale Proxy Servers' pricing and package options attract many users. Of course, each user's needs and preferences vary, and choosing the right Proxy Server provider should be based on personal circumstances. We hope this article helps you in selecting a US Proxy Server provider.

IPRoyal$2.40/proxy/monthStable and Fast
Webshare$30/100 proxies/monthPrivacy and Security
Proxysale$2.14/proxy/monthAffordable Pricing

Why use a US Proxy Server?

There are several reasons to use a US Proxy Server:

1. Geographical Location: The US is one of the largest internet markets in the world, hosting many important online platforms and services. Using a US Proxy Server can provide you with broader network access and better connection speeds.

2. Privacy Protection: The US has relatively lenient internet regulations, meaning you can browse and access online content more freely without too much scrutiny or restrictions. Using a US Proxy Server can help you protect your personal privacy and maintain anonymity.

3. Marketing Goals: If you are targeting the US market for advertising promotions or market research, using a US Proxy Server can help you better understand local users and more accurately target your audience.

As for social media advertising, here are some common US social media platforms where Proxy Servers are applied:

1. Facebook: As one of the largest social media platforms globally, advertising on Facebook is very popular. Using a Proxy Server allows you to log in and browse Facebook as a US user, better understanding American users' needs and behaviors.

2. Instagram: Instagram is a social media platform focused on sharing images and videos and also has a broad user base. Using a Proxy Server can help you publish and promote advertising content on Instagram as a US user.

3. Twitter: Twitter is a real-time information sharing social media platform, also used by many businesses for advertising and brand promotion. Using a Proxy Server, you can simulate the behavior of US users on Twitter and interact with local users.

Please note, when using a Proxy Server to access any website or platform, you must comply with the site's terms of service and regulations, and avoid any illegal activities or abuse. When using a Proxy Server, ensure you have a legitimate and ethical purpose.

Merchant product Price Reviews
Proxy-seller IPv4 Proxy $ 1.07/month
IPRoyal Static Residential Proxies $ 2.40/proxy/month
Proxyline Shared IPv4 Proxies $ 0.99/proxy/month
Oxylabs Static Datacenter Proxies $ 1.50/proxy/month
MarsProxies Shared Datacenter Proxy Server $ 0.86/proxy/month
Proxysale IPv4 Proxies $ 2.14/proxy/month
360proxy Static Residential Proxy Server $ 4.50/proxy/month
Webshare Static Residential Proxies $ 30.00/100 proxies/month
High Proxies Private Proxies $ 2.07/proxy/month
Youproxy IPv4 Proxy $ 1.30/proxy/month
PIA Proxy Hot Plan Proxy Servers $ 0.24/proxy/day
proxy6.net Dedicated IPv4 Proxy $ 1.77/proxy/month
IP2World Static Residential Proxies $ 4.80/proxy/month
Proxys.io Shared IPv4 Proxies $ 0.67/proxy/month

The 18 Best US Proxy Server Providers of 2024(14+)

Reviews:5.00 / 5
$ 1.07/month

IPv4 Proxy

Credit card
Reviews:4.98 / 5
$ 2.40/proxy/month

Static Residential Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.95 / 5
$ 0.99/proxy/month

Shared IPv4 Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.91 / 5
$ 1.50/proxy/month

Static Datacenter Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.81 / 5
$ 0.86/proxy/month

Shared Datacenter Proxy Server

Credit card
Reviews:4.68 / 5
$ 2.14/proxy/month

IPv4 Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.68 / 5
$ 4.50/proxy/month

Static Residential Proxy Server

Credit card
Reviews:4.65 / 5
$ 30.00/100 proxies/month

Static Residential Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.50 / 5
High Proxies
$ 2.07/proxy/month

Private Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:4.40 / 5
$ 1.30/proxy/month

IPv4 Proxy

Credit card
Reviews:4.30 / 5
PIA Proxy
$ 0.24/proxy/day

Hot Plan Proxy Servers

Credit card
Reviews:4.10 / 5
$ 1.77/proxy/month

Dedicated IPv4 Proxy

Credit card
Reviews:4.00 / 5
$ 4.80/proxy/month

Static Residential Proxies

Credit card
Reviews:3.90 / 5
$ 0.67/proxy/month

Shared IPv4 Proxies

Credit card

Uses of Datacenter Proxy Servers in the USA

The USA hosts many renowned websites and online services that may utilize Proxy Servers or encounter access requests via Proxy Servers. Here are some well-known websites and their uses for Proxy Servers:

Search Engines: Search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo might use Proxy Servers to crawl and index web pages, providing search results.

Social Media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram might use Proxy Servers to prevent abuse, malicious activities, and access by automated accounts.

E-commerce Websites: E-commerce sites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart may use Proxy Servers for price monitoring, competitive intelligence, and ad verification.

News and Media Websites: News and media sites may use Proxy Servers to prevent excessive access, DDoS attacks, and protect content copyrights.

Travel and Booking Websites: Travel and booking platforms such as Expedia, Booking.com, and Airbnb might use Proxy Servers to collect and analyze data on competitive pricing, availability, and reviews.

Financial Institutions: Financial institutions might use Proxy Servers to protect online banking, trading platforms, and customer data from malicious access and cyber attacks.

Healthcare: Healthcare institutions and medical information websites may use Proxy Servers to ensure the privacy and security of sensitive patient data.

Government Agencies: Government websites and online services might use Proxy Servers to handle large volumes of requests, prevent malicious attacks, and monitor internet activity.

Educational Institutions: Universities and academic institutions might use Proxy Servers to access specific websites, databases, and research resources to support education and research.

Ad Tech: Ad tech companies and marketing analytics platforms may use Proxy Servers to verify ad placements, target advertising audiences, and monitor ad performance.

These are some examples of well-known websites and uses for Proxy Servers. Proxy Servers play a significant role in various fields and industries, used for data collection, network security, market research, and various other purposes.

Why Does Everyone Choose US Proxy Servers?

One of the main reasons everyone chooses US Proxy Servers is the USA's leading position in global internet and technology. The USA boasts the most advanced and extensive network infrastructure, providing proxy providers with more reliable servers and stable connections.

The USA is a hub of information and technological innovation, with many well-known internet companies and tech giants headquartered there. By using US Proxy Servers, users can access a range of unique online resources and services, including popular streaming platforms, social media applications, and e-commerce websites. These resources may be geographically restricted, but through Proxy Servers, users can bypass these restrictions and access more content.

As a global economic powerhouse, the USA also offers business and financial opportunities for users of US Proxy Servers. Users can track market dynamics, engage in international trade, and conduct cross-border business activities.

Everyone's reasons for choosing a Proxy Server may differ, and the choice of the most suitable Proxy Server should be based on individual needs and objectives.

What Are Some Well-Known Telecom Operators in the US?

In the USA, the following are some well-known telecom operators providing residential Proxy Server services:

Comcast: Comcast is one of the largest cable TV and internet service providers in the USA. They offer residential Proxy Server services, providing users with fast and stable internet connections.

AT&T: AT&T is one of the largest mobile operators in the USA, also offering broadband and fiber internet services. Their residential Proxy Server services meet the needs of users for high-speed network connections.

Verizon: Verizon is a leading mobile operator and internet service provider in the USA. They offer residential Proxy Server services, as well as high-speed broadband, fiber, and dedicated line services.

In addition, other well-known telecom operators also provide residential Proxy Server services, such as CenturyLink, Spectrum, etc. The choice of which operator to use should be evaluated based on local availability, price, and service quality.

What Unique Advantages Do US Proxy Servers Have on the Internet?

US Proxy Servers have the following unique advantages in internet development:

Global Network Hub: The USA has the world's most advanced and extensive network infrastructure, including data centers, servers, and network nodes. This ensures that users accessing the internet through US Proxy Servers can enjoy fast and stable connections, providing a better user experience.

Rich Content Resources: As the USA hosts many globally renowned tech companies and media institutions, the content resources on its network are very rich. By using US Proxy Servers, users can directly access a range of unique information and services, such as streaming platforms, social media, online news, and cultural arts.

Business Environment and Innovation: The USA is one of the key centers of global innovation and technology. By using US Proxy Servers, users can better connect with global innovations in technology, products, and services. This is significant for business cooperation, market research, and technological learning.

Internet Freedom and Openness: Compared to some countries' internet censorship and restrictions, the internet environment in the USA is more free and open. Using US Proxy Servers, users can bypass geographical restrictions and blockages to access blocked websites and services, achieving broader information access.

It is important to note that using a Proxy Server requires adherence to local and target website laws and policies, and must not be used for illegal activities or infringing on others' privacy. Additionally, as the internet environment is constantly changing, advantages may also vary by time, location, and individual circumstances. Therefore, it is advisable to judge and evaluate based on one's own needs when choosing and using a Proxy Server.


The cheapest US datacenter Proxy Server providers vary according to user needs. Provider A might be suitable for users with limited budgets, while Providers B and C offer more availability and support. When choosing, be sure to consider your specific needs and budget.

The 18 Best US Proxy Server Providers of 2024 FAQ

Datacenter Proxy Servers are hosted on servers within data centers and typically offer high levels of anonymity and stability. Compared to other proxy types such as shared proxies or Residential IPs, they are more suited for users requiring large-scale IP access.

To ensure the privacy and security of Datacenter Proxy Servers, select a provider with a good reputation and use secure protocols like HTTPS for communications. Additionally, regularly rotating IPs can enhance security.

Not necessarily. The cheapest options may have limitations in availability and support. When choosing, it's important to balance cost with performance.
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